Thursday, May 25, 2017

Worst Injury 

 It was quiet day at school. We were going out for sport when everything came crashing down.

We were sitting in class waiting for when we would go out for sport. Going out for sport was a big thing in our class because it rarely happened. We walked outside and over to the court. We started our laps and I wasn’t exactly watching where I was going. I narrowly escaped crashing into the netball pole but then I tripped over. I came crashing to the ground like the Hindenburg scraping my knee on the hard concrete. My life flashed before my eyes. Tears welled up, I was out of breath. Lying on the ground like a dead fish.

I got up like nothing happened. Everyone kept running past so I picked myself up and ran the rest of the way. I hadn’t looked at what had happened to my knee but I knew that it was painful. My hands had scrapes and were aching. It was only when we got back into the classroom that I noticed what had happened. I looked down at my knee to inspect what I had done. There was blood trickling down my leg. As soon as I saw it, my knee started to sting. I grabbed some tissues to wipe up the blood and thought there was nothing I could do about it.

I got home to show mum what had happened. She put a dressing over it so it wouldn’t get infected. The sting lasted for the next few days that we were at school. That weekend dad took us in town to show us all the new buildings. We got lunch and walked back to the car. On the way back to the car we walked down a bumpy road.. I was focused on eating when all of a sudden everything went flying in the air then landing on the ground.

I looked around to see everything sprawled out over the ground. I was crying in pain because I had fallen over onto my knee. Now I had two sore knees and no lunch. I limped the rest of the way back to the car with tears streaming down my face.

We got home to fix up my knees. After a couple of days we took off the plasters to see what they looked like. They looked exactly the same. I wanted to put more plasters on them but mum said they need air. Every move I made stung so I just decided to sit on the couch for a while. Over the next two days they started to scab. Every time I looked at them I felt sick.

They took forever to fully recover but now I have scab free knees. Everywhere I look i’m scared there is a bump in the ground. I haven’t tripped since and I still look at every little thing that could get in my way.

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